Chairperson: Melissa Parsonson,
The Chairperson of Ardentown leads the community’s four town meetings each year, oversees the activities of each of the committees, and serves as the town government’s chief liaison with the Ardentown Trustees as well as local, state, and federal government agencies. The chairperson serves a two-year term and may serve a maximum of four years.
Treasurer: Peter Slattery,
The Treasurer of Ardentown works with the Budget Committee to prepare the community’s annual budget and provides reports to the town regarding village income and expenses at each of the town meetings. The Treasurer also manages the community’s financial accounts, and coordinates with the Audit committee for the annual audit of the accounts. The treasurer is elected annually. The office is not term-limited. Peter Slattery’s current term expires November, 2024.
Secretary: Cindy Cohen, Acting Town Secretary,
The Secretary of Ardentown records the minutes of the four town meetings per year, prepares the agenda for each meeting, and prepares and distributes the meeting minutes to Ardentown residents. The Secretary also records the minutes of the Coordinating Committee meetings and distributes them to the Committee. The secretary serves a two-year term. The office is not term-limited. The current term expires November, 2025.